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Naughty By Nature

To hunt and gather is as old as humankind and animal upon this earth. Both search and capture items required to meet the necessities for living. Whether it is straw and paper for a birds dwelling, minerals for various metals or even animals for sustenance, all living creatures seek out and acquire the fundamentals to sustain life.

This series is an exploration of my own personal appreciation of animals, materials and process; an expression which has universal connections. Whether it is an electrical cover box or an obscure piece of acrylic glass repurposed as a printing plate, all materials have been “hunted” down in garage sales, second hand stores or back alleys.  Images of the animals have been “captured” from educational texts and library books, and then delicately rendered through scribing and intaglio printing. Some of the materials are as unique and beautiful as the animals depicted.

We as humans overstep our natural boundaries. We have an inborn need to dominate and posses, and therefore will rip, tear, rape and pillage the earth as we see fit in order to obtain what we sometimes do not even need. Humankind will do so with a total disregard for the other living creatures that need to share the land with us,  causing us to not only be naughty to nature, but naughty by nature.

No animals were harmed in the production of this series.